New York City Lab, April 1st-30th 2015 at Hemispheric Institute NYU
In New York for one month, Fernanda Eugenio & Gustavo Ciríaco are in the city to install their CITY LAB, a temporary zone of attention...

Site-Specific Course with Gustavo Ciríaco at Paris 8
Gustavo has just taught a Site Specific Course at Université Paris 8 in France. Classes went from experiments in the dance studio, the...

Open Lecture on site-specific performance at Sàn Art Gallery, Ho Chi Minh City
Gustavo Ciríaco and Fernanda Eugenio, artists-in-residence this month at Sàn Art, present their research project on site-specific...

Rio de Janeiro City Lab with Fernanda Eugenio and Gustavo Ciríaco
Sesc Rio hosts this month a City Lab oriented by artists Fernanda Eugenio & Gustavo Ciríaco. The Rio de Janeiro edition of the Project...

Performing the space: a conversation with Gustavo Ciríaco and Fernanda Eugenio
You are all invited to this open conversation today at Walk&Talk Gallery - Largo de São João, Ponta Delgada. See you tonight at 21h30!

Fernanda Eugenio & Gustavo Ciríaco at the Public Art Festival Walk&Talk Azores 2014
From 18 July to 3 August Fernanda Eugenio and Gustavo Ciríaco will install a temporary City Lab at São Miguel Island, Azores, as...

Performance of the Site: ethnographical tools and lived architecture
Performance of the Site: ethnographical tools and lived architecture Art Lab with Fernanda Eugenio and Gustavo Ciríaco 14-18 July | 75€ |...