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Site-Specific Projects & Creations


Mixing together ethnographic tools for description-and-circumscription and positional-based mapping approaches coming from contextual art, the collaborative and/or solo propositions assume the form of a simple enunciation, a sentence-task that synthesizes WHAT-HOW-WHERE-WHEN is going to be done, seeking to construct the conditions for something to happen - or, for something to be (or not) performed by/with the city. The propositions are built-up in such a way that:


  • They can be transferred to someone else

  • The person who performs a proposition and the one who receives may be or not the same

  • They can either be durational or punctual

  • They assume different degrees of visibility and invisibility

  • They can explore in varied ways the devices of walking and remaining

  • They can be itinerant or located propositions

  • They establish different relationships with report and register

  • They can assume different interfaces and use different devices

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